I’ve seen basically two options for the 2024 shooter, single sided and double sided.
looking for general feedback.
couple of questions. will the spin imparted by the single sided shooter be needed for the longer shots (podium or farther) or does the added exit velocity from the dual shooter overcome this.
seems like a single roller can do the job but what do you loose if anything. power, inertia, ect.
This year is significantly different than previous years, never have we had so much squish in a gamepiece when squeezing across the 14 inch diameter.
A lot of what we know is empirical, there aren’t a lot of good models for this.
I encourage folks to just try things. Long distance shooters functioning outside of the wing are probably going to take a lot of development, single or double flywheel or otherwise.
from what I’ve seen a top-and-bottom roller is also very effective because It puts compression on for the entire shot not only when the two wheels are tangent to each other
Coming from team 2872 and Spectrums testing the double flywheel shooter seems to hit the top or the bottom of speaker from the podium and shoot well from at the Subwoofer. When inducing a spin we were able to produce what we thought were straighter shots and after seeing spectrum having the same issues. As well as many ftc teams from ultimate goal opting for a single sidded shooter(I understand this isn’t a one to one compasion but it’s one of the most simlar we have). So don’t write off single sided shooters. I wonder what team 6045 is running as they seem to have a perfectly straight shot