Untitled Team 7:00 8:07 8:08
Questionable Decisionmakers 7:05 8:04 8:09
F3 7:10 8:01 8:10
NE Way You Want It 7:15 7:58 8:11
The Regal Falcons 7:20 7:55 8:12
Falcon 7:25 7:52 8:13
FIRST Pick 7:30 7:49 8:14
Swamp Life 7:35 7:46 8:15
The Breakfast Company 7:40 7:43 8:16
1710 1806 2129 2169 2175 2177 2207 2225
2227 2450 2472 2491 2501 2525 2549 2574
2606 2654 2667 2883 2957 3018 3042 3055
3130 3206 3277 3292 3610 3633 3691 3750
3848 3883 3926 3928 4215 4225 4239 4277
4626 4632 4648 4663 4665 4687 4693 4778
5275 5278 5290 5340 5541 5576 5626 5826
6480 6749
Untitled Team 2175 8:07 8:08
Questionable Decisionmakers 1806 8:04 8:09
F3 7:10 8:01 8:10
NE Way You Want It 7:15 7:58 8:11
The Regal Falcons 7:20 7:55 8:12
Falcon 7:25 7:52 8:13
FIRST Pick 7:30 7:49 8:14
Swamp Life 7:35 7:46 8:15
The Breakfast Company 7:40 7:43 8:16
1710 2129 2169 2177 2207 2225
2227 2450 2472 2491 2501 2525 2549 2574
2606 2654 2667 2883 2957 3018 3042 3055
3130 3206 3277 3292 3610 3633 3691 3750
3848 3883 3926 3928 4215 4225 4239 4277
4626 4632 4648 4663 4665 4687 4693 4778
5275 5278 5290 5340 5541 5576 5626 5826
6480 6749
Untitled Team 2175 8:07 8:08
Questionable Decisionmakers 1806 8:04 8:09
F3 2654 8:01 8:10
NE Way You Want It 3130 7:58 8:11
The Regal Falcons 1710 7:55 8:12
Falcon 2177 7:52 8:13
FIRST Pick 2883 7:49 8:14
Swamp Life 2169 7:46 8:15
The Breakfast Company 7:40 7:43 8:16
2129 2207 2225
2227 2450 2472 2491 2501 2525 2549 2574
2606 2667 2957 3018 3042 3055
3206 3277 3292 3610 3633 3691 3750
3848 3883 3926 3928 4215 4225 4239 4277
4626 4632 4648 4663 4665 4687 4693 4778
5275 5278 5290 5340 5541 5576 5626 5826
6480 6749
TBC would like to pick Teams 3928 and 5576.
Untitled Team 2175 8:07 8:08
Questionable Decisionmakers 1806 8:04 8:09
F3 2654 8:01 8:10
NE Way You Want It 3130 3277 8:11
The Regal Falcons 1710 3883 8:12
Falcon 2177 2574 8:13
FIRST Pick 2883 4778 8:14
Swamp Life 2169 3042 8:15
The Breakfast Company 3928 5576 8:16
2129 2207 2225
2227 2450 2472 2491 2501 2525 2549
2606 2667 2957 3018 3055
3206 3292 3610 3633 3691 3750
3848 3926 4215 4225 4239 4277
4626 4632 4648 4663 4665 4687 4693
5275 5278 5290 5340 5541 5626 5826
6480 6749
We’d like to swap our first round 2654 for 3018. Rest of draft is list.
Untitled Team 2175 2129 2207
Questionable Decisionmakers 1806 6480 6749
F3 3018 4239 2491
NE Way You Want It 3130 3277 4663
The Regal Falcons 1710 3883 4215
Falcon 2177 2574 2654
FIRST Pick 2883 4778 5826
Swamp Life 2169 3042 2549
The Breakfast Company 3928 5576 8:16
2227 2450 2472 2501 2525
2606 2667 2957 3055
3206 3292 3610 3633 3691 3750
3848 3926 4225 4277
4626 4632 4648 4665 4687 4693
5275 5278 5290 5340 5541 5626
TBC would like to pick Team 3055.
Untitled Team 2175 2129 2207
Questionable Decisionmakers 1806 6480 6749
F3 3018 4239 2491
NE Way You Want It 3130 3277 4663
The Regal Falcons 1710 3883 4215
Falcon 2177 2574 2654
FIRST Pick 2883 4778 5826
Swamp Life 2169 3042 2549
The Breakfast Company 3928 5576 3055
2227 2450 2472 2501 2525
2606 2667 2957
3206 3292 3610 3633 3691 3750
3848 3926 4225 4277
4626 4632 4648 4665 4687 4693
5275 5278 5290 5340 5541 5626