[SLFF] 2019 Archimedes Division

Posting super early so let’s get this going. Final times for this draft will be enforced beginning at 8:00 PM EST on 4/22


CHS 8:00 9:17 9:19
JSM 8:03 9:15 9:21
QwEST 8:06 9:13 9:23
QD 8:09 9:11 9:25
TBC 8:12 9:09 9:27
TLC 8:15 9:07 9:29
SS 8:18 9:05 9:31
TGA 8:21 9:03 9:33
FP 8:24 9:01 9:35
1.21 GW 8:27 8:59 9:37
TDC 8:30 8:57 9:39
MB 8:33 8:55 9:41
FC 8:36 8:53 9:43
LM 8:39 8:51 9:45
FLCN 8:42 8:49 9:47
TSIMFD 8:45 8:47 9:49
33 141 188 222 271 384 509 564
614 910 930 1025 1188 1310 1322 1325
1403 1640 1660 1720 1937 2054 2077 2231
2481 2526 2539 2577 2708 2826 2852 3015
3184 3534 3688 3770 3928 3996 4004 4027
4150 4311 4325 4391 4678 4707 4776 4956
4976 5216 5404 5406 5460 5512 5676 5687
5860 5927 6032 6317 6591 6802 7589 7605
7617 7650 7741 7858




According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway, because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.

Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.

Ooh, black and yellow!
Let’s shake it up a little.



i am bad at puns
5406 please

QD selects Madison Heights swerve machine 910


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TGA will have no robo-tears after selecting 2481

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Draft paused due to draft runner being busy. The pick of 930 will be valid pending no list from FP

No list for us, 2054

and unpaused for now…



CHS 5460 9:17 9:19
JSM 33 9:15 9:21
QwEST 5406 9:13 9:23
QD 910 9:11 9:25
TBC 188 9:09 9:27
TLC 5687 9:07 9:29
SS 1325 9:05 9:31
TGA 2481 9:03 9:33
FP 2054 9:01 9:35
1.21 GW 930 8:59 9:37
TDC 1310 8:57 9:39
MB 4678 8:55 9:41
FC 8:36 8:53 9:43
LM 8:39 8:51 9:45
FLCN 8:42 8:49 9:47
TSIMFD 8:45 8:47 9:49
141 222 271 384 509 564
614 1025 1188 1322
1403 1640 1660 1720 1937 2077 2231
2526 2539 2577 2708 2826 2852 3015
3184 3534 3688 3770 3928 3996 4004 4027
4150 4311 4325 4391 4707 4776 4956
4976 5216 5404 5512 5676
5860 5927 6032 6317 6591 6802 7589 7605
7617 7650 7741 7858


We’ll switch 4678 for 3015

FC will take 3015

edit: oh nvm one sec

Taken in a swap by MB

FC will take 1025 then


CHS 5460 9:17 9:19
JSM 33 9:15 9:21
QwEST 5406 9:13 9:23
QD 910 9:11 9:25
TBC 188 9:09 9:27
TLC 5687 9:07 9:29
SS 1325 9:05 9:31
TGA 2481 9:03 9:33
FP 2054 9:01 9:35
1.21 GW 930 8:59 9:37
TDC 1310 8:57 9:39
MB 3015 8:55 9:41
FC 1025 8:53 9:43
LM 1720 4678 9:45
FLCN 7650 1403 9:47
TSIMFD 2708 4150 9:49
141 222 271 384 509 564
614 1188 1322
1640 1660 1937 2077 2231
2526 2539 2577 2826 2852
3184 3534 3688 3770 3928 3996 4004 4027
4311 4325 4391 4707 4776 4956
4976 5216 5404 5512 5676
5860 5927 6032 6317 6591 6802 7589 7605
7617 7741 7858
