Slowing down a globe

What I have right now is a globe connected to a relay and I was wondering if there is anyway I could slow it down?

Connect it to a Victor or a Jaguar.

I am not at all a programmer, but can’t you program it so that instead of full power, it gives your X/127? Ask your programming team what they can do.

As Squirrel said, connect to a speed controller (Victor or Jaguar) instead of a relay. A relay only allows you to go full forward, full backward, or off. A speed controller will give you the full range from full forward to full back. Think about your drive motors. I can guarantee that you don’t have them on a relay. Why did you make that decision? Because you wanted a variable speed. You should use that same thought process for the use of your globe motor.

You could also gear the motor down, either by a cluster gear configuration or a chain gear reduction. Although, I’ve never needed to gear down a globe, they are the definition of slow lol.