Smartdashboard Crash

Smartdashboard consistently crashes after roughly 8 minutes with a camera feed enabled. Has anyone else experienced this issue this season? It appears to be the same memory leak issue that was present last season. I am using the latest version (1.0.4) along with the latest updates. Attached is one of our error logs.
*edit - the attachment didn’t work - I will post the error log tomorrow

SMARTDASHCRASH.txt (15.6 KB) - The error log is attached.



We have the same issue, crashed after about 7.5 minutes with the standard camera feed.

Same problem here…

Same problem. 2012 axis camera with newest SmartDashboard.

I noticed that this is now on the known issues list, but not marked with the date it was added. 2014 Software Changelog and Known Issues | Getting Started With the 2014 Control System | 2014 FRC Control System

  1. SmartDashboard crashes after running for some period of time with the Camera Extension.

Workaround: Start SmartDashboard just before desired use.

Hope this helps: