In smart dashboard there is an image that you can add but I can’t find a way to tell what image the view is reading. I am trying to show what our final vision after we have processed the image from the camera can anyone help?
Am I not being clear or does no one know? I want to know how to use the SmartDashboard image control.
- Locate the FRC DS Data Storage.ini file on your PC. On Windows 7 this file should be located in C:\Users\Public\Documents\FRC and on Windows XP it should be in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\FRC). Double click on the file to open it in Notepad.
- Locate the line beginning with DashboardCmdLine and modify it to point to the installed SmartDashboard (note that the SmartDashboard is installed to Program Files on both 32 and 64 bit machines, not Program Files (x86)!). Note the double quotes and double slashes used. The Driver Station should now launch the Smart Dashboard automatically.
- To add a camera image to the SmartDashboard, click View >> Add >> Camera. The camera IP address will default to 10.XX.YY.11 where XXYY is the 4 digit version of the configured team number. If you need to change this IP, make sure the Dashboard is set to Editable (also in the View menu), then right click on the Camera widget and select Properties.
The image widget simply displays a static image loaded from a file. If you want to display the final product from image processing and you’re extending a WPICameraWidgetExtension, either draw on top of the WPIImage provided as a parameter or return a new WPIImage (if you return, make sure you store a handle to it somewhere else, or SmartDashboard will crash without any indication – this caused me a lot of grief).
How would I go about creating a widget? This is our teams first year using smart dashboard and we are pretty lost.
I think by creating, he means making one from scratch.
You likely won’t need to (smartdashboard comes with widgets for pretty much every common use), but some documentation on that can be found here: