SmartVelocity Functionality

Does SmartVelocity in Spark Max do? I assumed that it would essentially create a trapezoid profile (constant acceleration and deceleration) but it didn’t seem to work that way when we tested it out. There was a constant acceleration but a sudden deceleration.

We saw something similar. We are using position and velocity conversions. The SmartMotionAccel configuration doesn’t seem to take effect. We position and velocity configured for feet & feet per second. Various P gains between 0.1 and 0.25.

We are using this with joystick control so I am wondering if continuously altering the setpoint of the PID negates the profiling of velocity?

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I’m not sure if this is relevant to smart velocity, but I noticed that velocity & position conversion factors had strange behavior with smart motion. Once turning them off and just running the conversions onboard the rio, it started working perfectly again. You may try to give that a shot (note that your current gains have to be converted for that to work as well).

I read through the documentation a bit more and I found out that SmartVelocity isn’t intended for profiling. It was apparently only supposed to be for acceleration limiting.

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