SnugTop Lid Power Lift Kit??????

I am looking for assistance, if anyone knows how to make their own snugtop lid lift kit, I would appreciate help. I am looking for suggestions on what to use, gas struts, hydraulics, linear actuators, etc… I can buy a kit for $400, but I want to take on this project and try to make my own lift kit. If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it… I want to install a switch in my cab to lift the snugtop lid, with L.E.D’s (green for up and red for down). I also would like an emergency release latch under my tailgate. Please, I need the help, new territory for me…


[email protected]
[email protected]

I’m not too familiar with snug tops or the aftermarket “lift kits” available for them but I think a linear actuator with some gas shocks to assist would be your best bet. Linear actuators aren’t cheap though, try to get one from a surplus place if you can. You’ll probably need a relay to power it too.

You ever watch the TV show “Monster Garage”? They do this kind of stuff all the time.