So if you have windows 10, and you like to check out Alpha software...

Feel free to check out the following link.

It’s configured right now so that it’s downloadable if you have the URL, but not visible in the store. Please don’t reshare the link outside of Chief Delphi because what I’m looking for is feedback and this thread would be where I want it. If you do download it and have suggestions please post them.

Yes, I already know the visual elements are horrible, that’s not my bag.

It’s a Windows 8 Universal app, but the store won’t let you download it on 8 for some reason, if I were to make it publicly available it would be available on 8. My goal is to finish it for 2016 as a Windows 8 universal app (which means there will be a phone version) and then migrate to 10 after that.

There are other bits I’m working on, but given they require I set up an Azure back end to support them they aren’t in this version.

But hey, the graphs are cool.

One thing you can’t see right now that I’m reasonably happy with is that it supports notifications, so if you have the app running it will pop up a notification with the score each time a match finishes and uploads to the FRC API.

From a spectator perspective, one of the things I like that (again you can’t see because there are no active events) is that it does some predictive analysis for matches, it predicts a score based on the average score of the alliance members so far and it gives an estimated start time. So if the matches are running 20 minutes behind with the scheduled cycle to be 7 minutes, but the last few have averaged a 6.5 minute cycle it will give you an estimated start time for future matches based on that.

I didn’t see a forum that was more appropriate than General, CD mods feel free to move this if you see fit.

How would you like to receive feedback?

Brutally. :smiley:

I was looking at it for a little bit and I found that navigation was confusing. Having a button to go to event selection and the rest of the screens instead of the arrows would be nice.

Cool app - very in depth, I can see myself using it this season. Thanks.

It was written for a tablet, once you’ve selected an event, you swipe left to bring up the teams or right to bring up the matches. Or if you’re on the spectator page, if you touch a team it goes to that team’s page and if you’re on a team page tapping a match brings you there.

I understand what you are talking about though.

Well, I did manage to crash it rather thoroughly. (I happen to run a touchscreen laptop, so I can use either tablet or computer or both–I tested using the screen.)

There’s a couple of times it did this, and the second is what crashed it (I think). I took a look at an event from 2015 (Ventura, if it makes any difference), and when I was moving around in the 2016 events trying to look at teams for a different event, swiping back would show it trying to go back to Ventura (not sure what year). Then it would go back to the team list screen I was looking at.

Actually… just opened it back up, tried to select to 2016 events, beige/tan screen, gone. Looks like there’s another bug there.

I think you’ve hit an asynchronous call bug. The calls for the qual matches, playoff matches, standings and teams happen essentially at the same time. It’s supposed to handle the data returning in any order or not at all, but every time I think I’ve found the last place I’ve assumed that if A is there then B must be too only to run into a null reference another one pops up. Did you get a diagnostic screen or did it crash to the desktop?

Crash to desktop.

When it’s working, it sure seems like a useful app. When it’s crashing… not so much.

Running windows 10 on a touchscreen surface pro 3

crashed several times. Can not find a constant pattern in crashes.

When looking at a 2016 event, looking at a single team, there is robot names listed for the teams. This is the 2015 robot names.

For the 2015 events under championship week you list ARTE, CUCA, GACA, NEHO divisions. when attempting to look at this events the program encounters an error (photo included in album at end). There is also no was to back out of this error (that I can find).

Occasionally I will be attempting to open an event, and will have to tap the event many times before it will acknowledge the command and open the event.

Will continue to test, and will update with new information. Will also be happy to test specifics for you.

Running on my Windows 10 desktop without crashing, just a little slow because of the fact that I don’t have a touchscreen. Good app though, stable on mine at least.

The NEHO etc divisions are, it would seem, the combined awards divisions for championships and they do seem to be broken, though from the perspective of the app I may simply filter them out of the list at least until I build a page that displays who won which awards.

The apparent non-responsiveness isn’t actually non-responsiveness it’s a delay in the web call. When you tap an event, it doesn’t do anything until the first response from the FIRST server (very often the team list) comes back. I could put a progress ring up if you think that bit of visual feedback would be useful.

The reporting I’m getting back causing the drop to desktop crash is that there appear to be cases where it will attempt to display information for a team with no team loaded or at least that specific selected team not loaded. Which is weird, because the first is checked for (both null and zero count) and the second shouldn’t happen.