Anyone go down to the Hall of Fame display and check it out?
I’m sure the eight teams that set up the displays would appreciate some feedback from the FIRST community on what they thought of the whole thing.
I was there in-between our matches and it really impressed me. I read through everything and it was really interesting everyone did a great job
Thanks Ryan.
Anything particularly stand out? Can you think of anything that can be improved or should be done even more?
I didn’t get to stay in length due to the business of well EVERYTHING in nationals but I wrather enjoyed what I saw. It was wrather novel and I enjoyed getting to see what truely hall o’ fame winners were doing to keep up with their hall of fame status.
And those displays were wrather proffesionally done I was quite impressed.
Great job all you Hall of Famers!
I didn’t even know that there was one… hmmmmmmmm…
It was located in the pits next to the practice field. I wonder if there were more cases of people being unaware of it’s existence.
I thought it would be hard to miss it, unless you were in Curie or Galileo and never had the chance to walk by it. I did walk by it a lot, although never had the chance to stop in to look (long walk from pits to fields meant little to no time for looking around ). I did take some good looks at it passing by and from what I saw it looked really cool. The booths were laid out in such a way that I could see them without going in (you could the Scarabian Knights pyramid from anywhere
). The Hall of Fame display is definitely something FIRST should keep in the future Championship events, and hopefully I’ll get to visit next time
Oh that was the display? Well I saw it but didn’t know what it was because I kept walking behind it… Hmmmmm I guess I’m not that smart… hahah
I think it would have been better if everyone had to walk through it on the way into the pits. That would have allowed everyone to see it, and more people would have stopped to check it out.
I did take the time to do a quick walk though and found that it was very professional. It was also neat to see the history of these teams since their existence. Overall I think it was a good idea and fairly well done.
I thought it was really cool. I have only been in FIRST for 2 years (team 1018), but I was interested it these teams and the legacy that they have established. Those teams are the ones that people talk about, but I never have seen a formal display like that, and I was happy to see it. Can’t wait to see how it expands in to a greater “hall.”
I REALLY appreciated it. Comments:
X Cats: your display was very professional, clean to look at
(name forgotten, won 2nd chairman’s): Great to see the change as FIRST has grown
ChiefDelphi: bloody excellent
That pyramid team: great display
Baxter: I was really impressed w/ Zippy, very entertaining
HOMER: I wish I had gotten a hold of a puzzle thingy…
Buzz: I can’t get over how gosh darn cheerful your display was
Cybersonics: Very professional, loved the lit logo
I dropped by the displays a couple of times during my spare time (I had spare time?) The displays were great and it was just fun to walk around and look at how teams have participated in FIRST, and also to look back upon FIRST history. I’m looking forward to next year’s display with the addition of team 254 (congrats to them!)
i didn’t get a chance to check it out but when i was there people kept tellin me it was great
I was VERY happy seeing the displays and the whole “hall of fame” thing finally play into something solid and unique. I’d been waiting for this… Somehow.
I thought it was great. It is very important to have something like that for two reasons:
Because there’s definitely credit deserved to teams who have received the honor of Chairman’s Award. Each one was unique and informative, and this is one of the perks of being a chairman’s team- what drives people to want the position: recognition.
More importantly, the hall of fame succeeded in showing examples of what other teams can do to help out the FIRST community and embody the spirit. Yeah, I’m excited. I talked with one member of a team in a display there (and thank you very much for doing so, whoever you were!) and it really made me think about the experience I get from everything, and what my team can do to be even better. That’s inspiration, one of the key goals of FIRST.
This year my team was in the running for the Chairman’s award at Nationals- I know that the hall of fame put what I was going through with presentations and whatnot in perspective. Now, I won’t have to walk up to 175 Buzz’s pit and ask them questions about their experience (at Nats, anyhow) with Chairman’s. Let’s just say that this whole Hall of Fame thing is breaking the ice for everyone. Progress, Progress. I’m happy.
Just a little clarification. Our name is Double Deuce but I know a lot of teams know us by Homer. It’s okay.
I was only able to make a quick stop at it on Saturday and the VIPs were there (including Dean Kamen) so it was rather crowded and I didn’t stay as long as I would have liked to.
I would suggest that it be moved out to a more general area where more people (including the public) could see it - in front of the restaurant in the Congress Center perhaps, instead of in the pit area. I believe anyone attending the Home Show would have to walk by that area and what a great way to spread the message of what our Chairman’s Award winners are doing!
I definitely agree with that- only a few members from my team went and checked it out. And I guess we can expect that if they keep having something like it each year, its popularity will grow, too.