At this point, the starter kit, battery pack, programming kit, tank tread kit, and omniwheel kit. My goal is to make a ping-pong ball shooter that will either be really agile (omniwheels) or that will actually look like a tank. The tank will be really cool if I get it to work, but I need a metal kit or two (hoping to get that and more for Christmas).
1 vex bundle kit (includes programming, power pack, crystals, and w/e)
4 sprocket and chain sets
3 gear sets
2 tank drive sets
60 of the 12" axles
1 omni wheels
10 intake rollers
lots of spare chains
3 all-purpose wheels
1 aluminum kit
too many to properly list, those were just the most expensive
around $1500 worth of VEX stuff that I personally own and around $4000 worth of VEX stuff at school