SOAP Videos of UTC....


The digitized videos of the UTC regional are currently uploading to - check out the CT Movies page under events. rather large files, but if you wanted to do some scouting they are up there.


PS - they should take about 18 hours for all friday’s files to upload (if you refresh you should see new files added - slow upload on my internet connection) and then another few hours for all of tomorow’s matches. Enjoy.

I’m not getting any sound on your movies. Is there supposed to be sound?

i think that is because there WAS supposed to be sound - not sure what happened to my sound feed. i am going to look at it this morning before the matches start.

I think i digitized the blank sound in all of those matches.

If anyone knows how to get rid of sound in adobe premeir then resave without the sound let me know, i will do it to all of the matches then re-upload.


Assuming you use export timeline, click on settings in the window where you pick the filename and then uncheck the box that says export audio. And also, thank you so much for even attempting to let us all watch the competitions.

Good job in capturing the video…We greatly appreciate it…Please thank everyone who helped for us…Thanks…

Out of curiosity, exactly how did you get those videos? Did you save them off of the stream, or do you have… sources? I’m interested in getting the NYC Regional footage, but the organization that filmed it and manages the web streaming never responded to my question of how I could go about obtaining it. SBPLI would also be nice to have.

Which brings me to another topic - do you guys think FIRST should work with the film people to actually sell copies of the competitions? Would you buy a copy? What median would you want it be sold on (VHS, CD, DVD, other)? Personally I think it would be pretty cool to, say, if your team was doing some promotional event to have a tv or a computer with footage of what the actual competitions looks like running in the background so that people have a better idea of how all your work for FIRST ends up. It’s one thing to say what the game is like, but it’s another thing altogether to have something that the non-FIRSTer can use to actually see the competition side of FIRST.

That a good idea!

I’ll buy one, most of my students (especially the parents of the students) would buy one, and the sponsors would like a tape just to see their logo flash across the screen. A lot of the mentors that can’t attend the events have asked for recordings from the event to see the fruits of their labor.

…and maybe FIRST can generate some profits from the sale to add the FIRST funding.

What say you FIRST?::slight_smile:

They have a black box called a malt box.
The malt box is usually located near the black drape near the video equipment. It usually a black table with a little TV to see what is on the big screen. Just ask any of the volunteers and they should know. You need to bring your own tapes, VCR’s, and cables, they only provide you with the jacks neccessary for the feed. Couple of notes: They do not accept S-Video, only RCA, and you better have RCA cables that split apart preaty easily because the video and audio are preaty far away from each other.

Its basically a bunch of RCA Video, and Audio out conectors.

However I ran into many trouble with the malt box.

The box doesn’t natively have a RCA Video outport, so you need some kind of converter to make it compatiable with a RCA cable. They provide on some but not all of the video out. By the time when I got to the box, all of them were taken. So I had to use someones video out on a vcr. It worked, but he pulled it out in the middle of the Quater finals. Kinda of mad, but I am sure I can get the full video somewhere else.

Plus you have to double check all of your cables, becuase you don’t have a luxary of an external tv. Very easy to make a mistake.

Can you explain these malt boxes? Is it something you ‘rent’ at the regional and plug it into their system and a laptop? Or do you have to bring your own? Or is it done from the web stream? Video isn’t my thing …yet

*Originally posted by SuperDanman *
**Can you explain these malt boxes? Is it something you ‘rent’ at the regional and plug it into their system and a laptop? Or do you have to bring your own? Or is it done from the web stream? Video isn’t my thing …yet **

You do not need to rent one, the people running the video set it up for people to come and put their vcr’s on it so they can tape off their feed, you can ask one of them to help you connect your vcr at the event. It’s basically a big splitter (1 input and many outputs) and it is there for you to use, all you need is a vcr, tape(s) and rca cables.

Maybe at nationals we can use this “malt box” and make our own tapes. Then we can have someone at our school digitize it, and then we have nice, pretty, 30 fps digital footage. Then, we can use it for whatever we want, burn CDs and give them out, our whatever. It’s a novel idea! I wish i had known about this earlier, i would have brought a VCR to the other regionals. Oh well, there’s still the nats. :smiley: