SoCal thanks from the pit

at least my view of it. there was a lot of good things going around there, met some really great people there, unfortunately i dont think i can go back and see them some more…but oh well…there are far more important people than i that need thanks

lets start off with the alliance partners from all of our matches. this whole teamwork thing. yeah. im not good at this kind of thing. thanks.

599- the first aid thing in the pits was a great idea, especially the packet you handed out on i think it was thursday. it was great to help some of the teams out there. and i would like to include a special thanks to liz and the other lovely young lady who i was working with 848 on.

1266-great alliance partner, loved their buttons and runner duck handouts. i was literally surprised when i found out they were only a rookie team at the awards. good job, and keep it up

22- we want to thank you for everything. hospitality is a nice word for what you have done for us and our team, but hardly covers it. for anyone who does not know, this team offered to house our team members in their own houses, and they also served lunch for the team every day at competition. i cant begin to start thanking everyone on your team enough, so i might as well start and hopefully finish before i retire. and the shirts you handed out were a nice bonus, well everything in general, you were a great help and i hope you do well in the future.

well, i want to thank everyone again, and also, if anyone knows any of the people from 599, i want to thank them again, also if someone from 714 or sees them in some kind of competition, i would like to know how they are doing, i hope the arm works…

Thank u so much, it was a real bast working with the guys from team 69, to help out team 848…and our matches aganist u guys, wow!, too bad we never got to work together in a match though, let our team know if your team ever wants to do the la regional again, maybe we can work something out since we have a large team. btw, just a guess but is this Russ?

I would like to personally thank Doug Hogg of team 980 for quickly giving us a replacement drill transmission when no one was to be found at the spare parts table. It looked like he was quickly on his way somewhere too but he was kind enough to stop and give me one of 980’s own so we could have it sooner. If it was not for that nice gesture, we would have missed the match.