Our solenoids are wired and coded, but do not fire when the robot is enabled. The green lights flash and change as the firing buttons are pressed on the solenoid breakout. The code seems sound and have worked for us before. When pressed manually, the solenoids work just fine, just not with electronic or coded cues. How should I proceed?
I would first look at the wiring, how did you wire this to the breakout? Is the solenoid light on when you fire the solenoid? try to power your solenoid with 12v supply and see if it fires manually.
I wired from the lower half of the PD board directly to the WAGO terminal on to the breakout. The solenoids signal cords are 2 pin and wire directly into 12v receptors, but no lights show, and none fire by code, but fire manually. We just switched the 12v solenoid receptor to a 24v solenoid receptor and nothing changed. Again the green lights on the cRIO breakout change as I press the button to fire the solenoids, but nothing happens, neither the initial settings for the solenoids when the robot is enabled.