solution to off-topic turn of thread 'its all about the money'

post german/lugie/olympic randomness here…


Deutschland!!! Deutschland!!! Deutschland!!!


*Originally posted by Clark Gilbert *
**Deutschland!!! Deutschland!!! Deutschland!!!
:smiley: **

Is this to imply that you know German?

no its just him saying “deutchland deutchland deutchland”

Sprechen sie Deutsch? Ich sprecha Deutsch nicht gut.

thats from 7 & 8th grade greman. what little i remember

“do you speak german? i speak german very well”? (a guess)

whatever it does mean, im gonna say it does imply that david speaks german

*Originally posted by mike o’leary *
**“do you speak german? i speak german very well”? (a guess)

whatever it does mean, im gonna say it does imply that david speaks german **

you got the first part right. the 2nd part says “i don’t speak german very well”

that was kinda and easy one

i tried…and i think i was right about you speaking german




U do know what it is?? i forgot that not everyone might know what it is…if u dont know…its a program that will convert between languages…very helpful when u dont have a clue what some sites are saying…even though it doesnt always translate correctly.


*Originally posted by Clark Gilbert *
**U do know what it is?? i forgot that not everyone might know what it is…if u dont know…its a program that will convert between languages…very helpful when u dont have a clue what some sites are saying…even though it doesnt always translate correctly.

:slight_smile: **

where might i get that?

Geez…this is like talking on AIM…lol

go here…i think its the site…

:smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :slight_smile: :cool:

just wanted to raise my post count!

that is BAD!!!

I’M BORED!!! :slight_smile:

This is almost as bad as eddie and caryoln…lol


see theres a fine line between adding to convresation and blatently adding to youre post count…i think someone just crossed it

OK i’m DONE…
