Some FIRST Humor...This is pretty funny stuff.

Posted by Justin.

Other on team Blue Lightning Alum from RWU sponsored by FIRST-A-holics Anonymous.

Posted on 1/17/2000 7:19 PM MST

Hello All,

Today I came across a Comic strip with FIRST featured in it. It is important to have a little background for the comic. It was started by a kid who attended Hillside Jr. High School in Manchester and later went on to Central High School, and has now graduated from BC. The comic is based on the exploits of 3 University students who attend a ficticous University located in Manchester, NH. The strip from time to time features promient Manchester folk, it just so happens that our very own Dean is one of the more promient people in the area. Well you’ll get the idea when you see it. I have talked with the Author and he informed me that Dean has seen this.

Enjoy All,


Posted by Tony K.

Student on team #292, PantherTech, from Western High School and DaimlerChrysler.

Posted on 1/18/2000 8:06 AM MST

In Reply to: Some FIRST Humor…This is pretty funny stuff. posted by Justin on 1/17/2000 7:19 PM MST:

Haha!! This was good!!

My personal fav: ‘Sir, Iran does have a dress code.’