Some say (please add to this list)

My friend and I over the past few years have compiled a list of funny “some say…” sayings, taking inspiration from a show called Top Gear, where a mysterious man named The Stig is introduced in crazy ways throughout the show. I’d like to share that list with y’all in the hopes that people will add to it

. . .that the robot he drives can reach 88 mph.
. . .that he once broke 3 CIMs - before he even turned the robot on.
. . .he is able to break batteries with just his mind.
. . .that he once used a hex shaft - as a toothpick.
. . .that he once delivered so many gears that Dean Kamen himself complained about the scoring system.
. . .that the climber on his robot doesn’t even need a rope.
. . .that he once built a low-boiler robot for poor children.
. . .that he only plays for the Rebel Alliance.
. . .his heart beats once every 135 seconds.
. . .that he can see your soul through his safety glasses.
. . .that he’s powered by coal. Others, by water. Still others, by red vines and authentic Mexican food.
. . .that he has no understanding of queuing.
. . .that he shut down an entire spy ring with nothing but an Allen wrench and some duct tape.
. . .that in order to keep him working, white lithium grease needs to be applied daily.
. . .that his fingernails are made of solder, and his nostrils can be used a heat gun when enraged.
. . .that if you get close enough, you can actually get a Wi-Fi hotspot from him.
. . .that he was baptized in A-9 and sleeps in a bed made from aluminum shavings and bumper fabric.
. . .that if you find him at midnight before a competition, you can witness him with his safety glasses off.
. . .that he has a pet tiger named The Stig.
. . .that his ears are actually pneumatic rivet guns.
. . .that he onced formed a band called Chain Grease; in which he played the electric triangle.
. . .that he once kicked a steel beam in half to prove he has a black belt in paper mache.
. . .that he once climbed the Empire State building using only zip ties and duct tape.
. . .that his eyelashes are really just brown zip ties.
. . .that whenever he sneezes, the drivetrain of a mecanum robot breaks.
. . .that he invented West Coast drive while on the East Coast.
. . .that his mere existence defies the laws of physics.
. . .when he hums, it sounds like a CNC machine.
. . .if you wave a stick of 80/20 at him, he’ll bark.
. . .that his teeth can be used in place of a band saw.
. . .that he is the offspring of Mario Andretti and God himself.
. . .that a strong enough magnet can knock him over.
. . .that he was the second human ever to be a pod racer before he drove robots.
. . .that he’s named after the Swahili name for danger.
. . .that one of his eyes is made of acrylic and is lubricated with WD-40.
. . .that his hair is often used for bumper padding.
. . .his bones are made of steel and his skin of bumper fabric.
. . .that if you were to hear his thoughts, you’d hear nothing but the whir of a drill press.
. . .that the government shut down because of him.
. . .that when he flies, he doesn’t need an atmosphere.
. . .that he once piloted a drone through the Kessel Run in only 10 parsecs.
. . .that he wears two pairs of Aviators, one pair for the eyes in the back of his head.
. . .his brain emits a frequency known to interfere with air traffic control equipment at medium range.
. . .that the sound of him clearing his throat mimics that of a Ford Model T starting.
. . .that he once saved a poor coastal village from a tsunami using only duct tape and WD-40.
. . .that he can identify the threat count of bolts by smell and their diameter by taste.
. . .that if you take him apart, you would see nothing but triangular supports and a small bottle of Coke.
. . .that he is immune to fire and his nostrils can be used in place of a blowtorch when enraged.
. . .that he was the real inventor of the Segway and Dean Kamen is an android used to hide his identity.
. . .that he once won The Game.

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I just lost the game. I hope you are happy with yourself.