Songs that make you think of FIRST teams.

David Guetta- Titanium (Feat. Sia) | Team 1986
Mackelmore- Can’t Hold Us | Team 118

I always think of 973 when I hear Levels the Skrillex remix

AC/DC - TNT for team 280 (always go for the low hanging fruit when possible).

Following along that line…

We Will Rock You is misspelled. It should be We Will RAWC You. FRC 968 is RAWC.

JAY-Z - Encore | 111 Wildstang (2004 Release Video)

Anything Beach Boys = Beach Bots.

Speaking of low-hanging fruit:
Kokomo - FRC45 (and 1760 and 3940)

Sweet Caroline - FRC234
Good Feeling - FRC118

that is definitely one of the most memorable reveal videos!

148 has some pretty sweet reveal videos (2010, 2011)
I would say 2009 - Robowranglers (Thunderstruck by AC/DC)sticks out the most.

Robonauts - 2007 pings up in my mind everytime I hear muse

Not gonna lie, “Imma Bee” makes me think of 33 every time.
It’s pretty much the only reason I like the song.

Thrift Shop - Macklemore -> Workshop - Team 610

Well, there is a band called Rush… And there’s a team called RUSH…