I’m working on a small project in which I’m wiring up a game controller (with thumb-controlled buttons and joysticks) for use with the OI. I’m not doing anything too sophisticated; just an alternative to the larger joysticks.
But it got me wondering… what are the applicable rules on electronics that are imbedded inside the joysticks or other controllers? Is there anything allowed other than switches and the joystick pots?
(Standard disclaimer: This is based off the 2004 rules. Things may change.)
If memory serves me right (and if someone can cite some rule code to back me up or correct me, feel free), the general rule was as long as it was safe and fell within the bounds of GP, it was fair game.
However, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone (save WildStang in 2003 with StangPS) try anything on the boards beyond LEDs, switches, pots, joysticks, something in the dashboard port, and fancy artwork. Anyone want to enlighten us?
The rules of interest here would prevent the use of external power, only OI power supply is available through the OI ports. No lights other than those connected to LED outputs on the OI.
Other than that, teams have regularly attempted new operator controls systems for use with the OI. If you wire it yourself, you do take responsibility for OI damage due to wiring errors.