Sorry, this is kinda directed to Senior's

I thought I would make tread about college plans. Since we are past that half way point of our last year. I Kinda wanted to know what plans people where having, maybe you need help and others can give you insite about why they like or dislike a school you might still be pondering over!

Yea thought is might help if I started! Kinda forgot that! I’m planning on goign into University of Dayton. It is about an hour away from where I live. This being Columbus, Ohio. First has got me interested in robots and I’m excited to being taking classes based on MY intrests…and not the BS classes Highschool has you take! lol Hope you get some post form people. Once agian sorry this is kinda narrowed to Seniors…others can kinda look over and reply there advice or thoughts too! I’m just wondering where people are planning on going! Thanks!


Seniors need some posts for ourselves you know :wink:

As for me, I plan on studying business managment at the University of Western Ontario ( It’s in London, Ontario - about 2 hours away from here.

I’m excited :slight_smile:

I’m going to the Milwaukee School of Engineering in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (I wouldn’t have guessed ;)). I’m going to be an EE major and I can’t wait to get out of High School so I can be in a school where most people actually care they are at school and not try to ruin classes because they dont want to be there, or they think its funny to interrupt class for no apparent reason. So right now, I’m filling out my FAFSA and hopefully get some money :wink:

Well, I plan to go to Universal Technical Institute (UTI) and if I do very well in that class, Jaguar will pay my way! If not, I may have to work for Volkswagen…::shutters:: Either way, I’m safe for a job that will pay for my schooling…

I plan to be a Mechanic. :smiley:

I’m amongst the four schools I’ve applied to that said I’m accepted, I’m planing on going to Northeastern Universoty or Georgia Institute of Technology. Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University and Clemson University said I’m accpeted there too. Not to sure yet…have to fill out those FIRST scholarships first. It basically come down to which school do I pay the least. They’re both great schools and I like both NU and Ga Tech!

I’ll be heading off to Purdue late this year. The only school I applied for, the only school I got accepted to. :smiley:

Schools im accepted at: Notre Dame, Ohio State, Michigan State, U of Kentucky

Where im going: who knows.

It’s gonna go down to the wire, and i guess if i really need help, i could always poll ppl on chiefdelphi…lol. i wonder what my parents would think about that:yikes:

Ingenious solution…maybe I’ll do that too. Ha…my parents would throw a fit. Actually I just have to decide between whether I want to go to Atlanta or Boston and which school do I pay the least amount of money!

i work on the no decision route… only applied to one school and got in

applied early decision to University of Florida, found out on Dec. 4th, and didn’t even have to tell them I was going to go…

so now i just have to sit back, and spend money

Well, I was accepted to Penn State, Mansfield, WPI, and Drexel… so far I have only received money offers from WPI… and they offered $28,000+ a year!.. but I would rather stay closer to home… just waiting and seeing. Polling Delphi sounds like an excellent idea to me too, it might make things simpliar. I have also brought into consideration of which team I would be working with while in college. :slight_smile: Ohh… yeah, I am majoring in Biomedical Engineering… and possible minor in Poli Sci… and heading off to Med School afterwards.

I’m going to Western Michigan University,

Major: Mechanical Engineering
Minor: Business

I can’t wait!

I got accepted to PSU: Erie…and waiting on replies from RIT and Pitt: Johnstown. (I probably could have gotten accepted to PSU main but it was too big…Erie is nice because it’s small(er)…and I can stay there for 4 years or transfer to main after 2) RIT is nice…it’s pricey and has an extra year…I dunno. IT’S ALL SO CONFUSING!

Yea getting ready for college is beru stressful! But I like to think baout hte rewards of getting out of Highschool. I had fun but 'm jsut ready to leave!

*Originally posted by Clark Gilbert *
I’ll be heading off to Purdue late this year. The only school I applied for, the only school I got accepted to. :smiley:

Same here man… except for the fact that I’m not going to Purdue. :frowning: Instead I’m headed to Michigan Tech. :slight_smile: I can’t wait.

*Originally posted by Ashes *
**Yea getting ready for college is beru stressful! But I like to think baout hte rewards of getting out of Highschool. I had fun but 'm jsut ready to leave! **

I think we all can agree that FIRST is one of the best parts if not the best part of high school and definately the most rewarding.

I think we all can agree that FIRST is one of the best parts if not the best part of high school and definately the most rewarding.

i can definately second that

Been accepted to Rose-Hulman in Indiana, and the University of Missouri-Rolla. I’m waiting to hear from Harvey Mudd in Claremont, CA.

My college choice comes down to circumstances. If my friend and I are both able to go to RHIT, we will. If not, HMC is my first choice. But, of course, it depends on what kind of financial aid I get. I’m very happy that I don’t have to go in-state. Nevada sucks for education.

Oh, yeah, and I plan to double major in EE and physics.

already accepted and decided on clarkson. new home on team 229 next year, all the way up in pottsdam…so cold

Uh. I have no idea.

How about that?