Space Shuttle Missing

This morning Space Shuttle columbia was reported missing over texas as it was about to land in FL. There is a non confirmed video of it breaking up over texas. The only problem that was known was a slight problem with the dehumidifier. Anyone have anymore information?

I am watching FOX News.

It is eerie.

Here is a pic from



On launch day, a piece of insulating foam on the external fuel tank came off during liftoff and was believed to have struck the left wing of the shuttle. NASA said as late as Friday that the damage to the thermal tiles was believed to be minor and posed no safety concern during the fiery decent through the atmosphere.

-From Cnn

this guy from nasa said that there are 2 doors on the belly of the shuttle that have to close after dropping the external fuel tank, they are the fuel lines. he said that something might have kept one or both of the doors from closing.

from CBS

Lets try to keep it in one thread for simplicitiy…