I’ve been looking around my area for my team, and there isn’t any real metal scrapyard, or metalworking shop anywhere. (Our team is located in zip code 06340, in case anyone else feels they would have better luck finding something than I did.) What I’m really asking is for any teams in the area to perhaps donate some metal to us? It doesn’t have to be full sheets, but scraps work just as well. We are just looking for ANYTHING that is available! Something that you don’t need. So far we’ve been trying to scrounge up some parts from what our school’s tech lab has, which is EXTREMELY limited in materials. The best we’ve been able to get was a length of hollow square stock. Everything else we’re using is from the KoP.
So, again I’ll ask…If anyone could please spare some metal, please contact me.
How did you go about researching metal yards? A google local search turned up about 8 sheet metal fabricators in your area (Within 15 minutes). I would recommend giving these companies a call and asking for some sponserships, many metal yards will offer you material sponserships rather than monetary donations.
If you’re looking for spare metal Aces High always has some. Just let me know a little more of what you are looking for and I see what I can get to you.