I just downloaded the Java API off of REV’s website yesterday, and noticed an issue right away. It appears to be missing Linux x86-64 binaries. I saw a similar post declaring the same issue about 1.5.1, but I could not find a fix with that. I am receiving what is below:
Update: Just checked C++ as well, not in that driver file either. Am I on some sort of wild goose chase?
Execution failed for task ':extractTestJNI'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':nativeDesktopZip'.
> Could not find SparkMax-driver-1.5.2-linuxx86-64.zip (com.revrobotics.frc:SparkMax-driver:1.5.2).
Searched in the following locations:
Any ideas or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
They have linux x86-64 static builds, but not shared last I checked. My team doesn’t use GradleRIO, so we just pull whatever we want from their maven repo.
Modifying the vendor json to use the static version (linuxx86-64static) may work.
Uh, from what I can tell, REV do have Linux x86-64 shared builds for libSparkMax 1.5.2. I definitely would’ve had problems building robotpy-rev otherwise…
@benjiboy2539 Do you have the vendor JSON in the correct location in your project?
It appears that the linuxx86-64 binary specifically for the driver portion were missing from the .zip only, so an offline install would behave as you mentioned, online install is unaffected. I’ve re-uploaded the zip with the binaries included, please re-download and extract.