My bot has many spark maxes and all of them are switching between the brake/coast color and a rapid flashing yellow. Driving is super rough and the robot seems looks like it’s having a spasm. Any ideas on how to fix this?
A picture of the wiring would be super helpful here for us to be able to help.
Are your Spark Maxes getting signal via CAN bus or PWM?
What all, if anything, have you done so far to try and find/fix the problem?
We had a similar issue this season; and after a ton of re-wiring and replacing components we found on the first controller along the line a pin for the CAN connector was pushed in too far and that intermittent connection was causing issues for the entire robot. After replacing the controller everything seemed OK.
It’s likely a blink code for a fault condition (probably a gate driver fault, they have been the most common for my team). Look up the Spark Max User Guide and find the LED blink codes, and see if your pattern matches any of them.
We had the same issues with it switching and causing problems with our robot while driving.
We adjusted the drive band for our joystick xbox controllers, than they worked fine. For some reason, we never had to do this last year running Spark Max’s.
The issue kind of fixed itself. We came in the next day and everything just worked.
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