Spark MAX Troubleshooting communicating with computer

In the wiring process of our robot, while connecting the spark maxes we have struggeled with one of the spark maxes. We have found out that the LED is not blinking and when we connected to computer there was a usb error. Then we look at the insides of the sparkmax which troubleshooted and the sparkmax which is working flawlessly. As a result of that we couldn’t find any difference between them. Then reassembled them. We decided to make research. After we made our research we decided to put the spark max in recovery mode which then it started to work. However, the other spark max which we compared the previously troubleshooted one with, started to troubleshoot. It is even not connecting to computer. Now, after some research we have found out that it may be in lockout mode which stated in here: Troubleshooting - SPARK MAX
We then tried “disconnecting spark max from the CAN bus and power-cycling the MAX will release the lock.” We tried to power-cycle by connecting them to motors. However it didn’t work as well. Could you help us? How can we power-cycle it? Or is there a manual way that we can disable the communication lockout?

I’m not quite following the issues you are having… Have you been able to give each SparkMAX an unique CAN ID?

Please see this thread. Other members of your team are trying to see troubleshooting for the same problem. Can someone from your team please email [email protected] so we can help you?

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