SparkMax Can't Be Seen By Computers



We are trying to use spark max motor controllers. However, when we want to configure the controllers, we can not see spark max on the hardware client. We tried recovery mode and it appears on the client when it is in the mode; when we update it, it again disappears. We looked for device manager if there is a problem about connection and saw that there is a caution symbol beside spark max.

We searched everything on the internet related to this however we could not find any solution.

There was an update for the Rev Hardware Client a couple weeks ago. Are you using the latest version of that?

Yes, I tried it with a couple of computers each has the latest version.

Are you also connecting from the USB on your computer to the USB-C port on the Spark Max?

I also was reminded of this post which you may want to look at as well.
REV Hardware Client won’t connect to Spark MAX - Technical / Control System - Chief Delphi

For clarity let me explain everything I tried. I first tried to connect sparkmax via only usb-c and it didn’t show up. I tried recovery mode, it appeared and when I wrote it, again it disappared. Then I tried to connect it via usb-c while it is connected to PDH but no CAN is connected to it. Still no change, so I tried to connect everything all together, unsuprisingly nothing happened. I tried usb-c to usb-c cable, usb to usb-c cable (that comes with package of sparkmax, and others we have), multiple devices, other ports but still no change. It does not show up after all of these things.

During our ri3d we had a similar issue, fixed it by

  1. remove ALL power from spark max
  2. boot into recovery mode using usb power (not pdh or pdp)
  3. update it to latest version (25.0.1 NOT 25.0.0)
  4. set all config stuff
  5. turn on pdp/pdh
  6. now can update down the line

NOTE: if this fails try using the 2024 firmware

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