Hey CD,
THEMIS was our attempt at a scissor lift and it worked surprisingly well and we learned a lot.
Features of Note
- Lift used a slide joint at the bottom
- 2 CIM Climber could have lifted 3 robots (3 robot climber never put on due to robot weight limit issues)
- Wrist joint actuator at the bottom (CIM driven ACME screw)
What we should have done differently
- Outside bars on the lift should have been made out of 2 x 1 x .0625" box tube, not 1.5 x 1 x .125" box tube. REASON: Weight
- 3 pneumatic pistons, not 2. We had difficulty extending the lift with just 2 pistons and we have determined that this was the sole reason we didn’t go to worlds.
- put the wrist actuator at the top. REASON Decreases weight, allows us to put a third or fourth piston on the other side to help lift the lift.
CAD Files:
Lift lowered position
THEMIS CAD.step (34.2 MB)
Lift extended position
THEMIS E CAD.step (21.5 MB)
Photos (Robot was not actually painted, I just had some fun)