Spectra Cable

How do you tie this stuff? Can anybody give me a good explanation, or direct me to one? We’re totally confused at the “triple pretzel knot” idea


Team 190 has used Spectra cable many times in the past. The best way to tie it off is to get an Eagle Scout and ask him what knot is best for the job. Really, tieing it is the best way to go.

The best knot to use for tying spectra is the bowline.


No matter how tight the rope becomes, you’ll be able to remove the knot later. You need a couple of sailors on your team :smiley:

Also note that if it is high quality spectra the end will not melt well. This is usually how you would keep a polypropolene or nylon line from fraying further after it is cut. To keep it from unraveling, get a bit of shrink wrap and shrink wrap the end of the line.

That shouldn’t be hard. Other options include the First Class, Star, and Life scouts, a Pioneering Merit Badge counselor, or a Scoutmaster.

Now, what application is this knot for? (Note: I am an Eagle Scout.)

If your knot-tying members are really good, they should be able to do a one-handed bowline.*
It may be more difficult with wire than rope, but it can be done.

/me perfected the one-handed bowline in a couple days, and still remembers how to do one to this day from way back when I learned it as a Boy Scout. :smiley:

*The name is a tad bit deceiving. Although you actually use both hands, only one actually does the knot tying, while the other just holds the loose end.
Actually come to think of it, I’m not sure if I even remember to tie a bowline the “normal way” anymore. lol

Try using a figure-eight knot making a loop then retracing the knot. with the loose end. This knot has similar properties as the bowline except it has to fail twice before coming undone. It can hold 350 pounds with weaker rope than spectra, and I have trusted my life to it. (Note: I am not an Eagle Scout but am turning in my paper-work to become one next week).

Here is a link on how to tie it. The first section is the one i am describing, and the strongest.

Or, if you have something to attach to it that can open, use a bight and tie a figure-8 knot. Same knot, easier to tie. Oh, and put an overhand in the free end, preferably around the standing part. That way, it’ll cut or wear before it comes out.

For slick rope such as Spectra the recommended finishing knot for a figure-eight follow-through or figure-eight on a bight is half of a Triple Fisherman’s Knot

In a slick line a double fisherman’s knot may actually pull out.