Spectrum Build Blog 2019 and 2019 Rules Change Log

Spectrum Build Blog 2019

Spectrum’s Build Blog is back for its 8th season to document our progress designing and building a robot for DDS.

We will have (mostly) daily updates with pictures and videos of our prototypes and designs. We don’t like to keep secrets so most everything we do makes it up to the blog at some point. Feel free to ask for more clarification or additional information about anything and we will try to put it up. As we get further into the process our CAD for the season will be public on a grabCAD partner space (right now it’s mostly a bunch of nonsensical sketches).

You can read each Blog update here Blog.Spectrum3847.org

We also publish photos of our prototypes and build progress in this photo gallery.

Yesterday’s blog including prototypes for a simple hatch mechanism and ball intake.

2019 Rules Change Log - LINK

This is a document outlining some of the subtle and not so subtle rule updates in the 2019 manual from things that have traditionally held constant from year to year. Including the crippling BOM updates, weight requirement changes, no off-board compressors, and more. Make sure you are update on all the rule changes, if we missed something feel free to leave a comment.


Our first in season CAD release has been posted to the blog. It’s just a STEP file for now but if there is enough interest we can find a way to release the native solidworks files as well.

We are still finishing a lot of mechanisms so it’s mostly just our drive train and elevator CAD at the moment.

Big update tonight with progress on our cargo mechanism.

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I’m curious to know, in your rules change log, you mentioned the new legal circuit breaker model (CB285). Do you know what the advantages/disadvantages are of using this circuit breaker as opposed to the old one?

It’s my understanding that the main advantage is that the lever for turning on power is yellow instead of black. It should be the same internals as the main breaker that we have been using for decades.

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We posted the latest CAD file of our robot progress.