Posted by Peter Krumdieck at 12/29/2000 11:58 PM EST
Engineer on team #353, Pobots, from POB Central School District.
In Reply to: Speed vs. Torque?
Posted by colleen on 12/27/2000 7:54 PM EST:
: A long running question on my old team was always… ‘What’s better to have, speed or torque?’
: So how 'bout it… what are some individual thoughts…
: Speed vs. Torque?
: Offensive vs. Defensive?
: Good 'n Plenty bot vs one that can do one/two things REALLY great?
: (good 'n plenty = can do many things good… nothing ‘great’)
: The more you travel around to different teams… you’ll be amazed by what people think… and joining my 3rd team… i’m finding plenty of different opinions…
: so let’s hear it… 9 more days!
Last year our bot was FAST and light. we couldn’t pick up more than one ball at a time. We eventually changed our strategy and fed the black ball over the top of the operator station and dumped it for a quick 5 points. Then we did a little d-fense!
During one match our claw became disabled so it was total defense. (we won the best defensive play award for that round).
One of our teammates / opponents didn’t have any engineering help. so they focused on one aspect and did it really well. They came to us and said (and I quote),’ Hey man. All we do is hang.’ And they did it very well. (except for the round where our claw broke and we kept them away from the bar and off the ramp all together.
Their focus due to the limited resources, earned thm a quick selection by one of the highly seeded teams. Hey 10 points is 10 points.
You really want to have a flexible bot but you do what you can.
Most of all, learn something and have some fun!!