This year I developed an iOS scouting app called Speedscout16 for any team looking for a simple and easy scouting solution. (It was also recently ported to Android by David Turner 1756). It allows scouters to effortlessly email (or airdrop…) their scouting data as a collection of CSV spreadsheets. (Picture of example spreadsheet attached…)
Along with this app, my team will also be using this R code to analyze the collected data. If you are new to R (like me) here is how you would run this code:
- Download both R and R studio) onto your computer.
- Download the code “As ZIP” from Github
- Designate your working space/directory where you will store both the code and statistics (e.g. Your desktop) and drag the downloaded folder to this location. (Change the name from “2016-R-Code-master” to “2016 R Code”)
- Create a folder in this location (step 3) called “FRC 2016 All Raw Data” and move all of your raw Speedscout16 data into it
- Open only the .R script named “FRC 2016 Master.R” in R Studio (left click and select “Open with” -> R Studio) and change “myDir” to your designated hard drive location (Created in step 3)
- Load the .RData function “to.numbers” into your environment (“Open with” -> R Studio) and select “Yes”
- Download the “Calibrate” Package for plotting (R Studio -> Tools -> Install Packages - > “calibrate” -> Install)
- With “FRC 2016 Master” open in R Studio, check the box next to “Source on save”
- Save “FRC 2016 Master” (If errors such as “50 more errors” and “teamnumber already exists” come up in the terminal, disregard them).
- (Click on “Plots” to see graph of every team’s Defensive capabilities and their average shooting pts per match)