Spike Placement?

Does anyone know if there is a minimum distance between spikes/relays with each other, or any minimum distance between any two electrical components? I searched the manual and found nothing, but people on my team have been talking about it. Thanks!

I don’t believe such a rule exists. Obviously some common sense should be applied to laying out the electrical, you got to be able to get the wires/connectors onto the connections and you are going to need wire bending room.

For spikes there isn’t any minimum distance other than enough so you don’t short your connectors. For Victors and Jaguars, however, you do want to space them out a little. The difference here is heat. Victors and Jaguars generate fairly significant amounts of heat, thus the muffin fans integral to both of them. They require some amount of space to allow the fans to work. Since Spikes don’t really generate much heat, they don’t have fans and don’t require any space in order to properly dissipate heat.

Thank you both so much!