Spike Relays

How many are allowed this year? Is there a limit? So far our robot uses 7 of them, I’m just wanting to make sure this is legal.

As many as you want.

No more than 102 based on last years GDC ruling. See this post from the Q&A on how it was calculated.

The question then becomes:
How would you legally CONTROL more than 16 spike relays?

Added digital I/O and DSC. Invariably the answer to the question “Can we…?” is “how much do you want to spend?”

PWM Y cables up the number somewhat.

Of course they could just be structural members…

Would it be legal to split the forward and reverse out to different Spikes?

What are you trying to do?

I’m just curious how many spike relays can you legally (and presumably, independently) control on an FRC robot.

Don’t worry. I do not have a wish or need to do so.

I was asking for additional data to answer your question above.

Oh, I’m sorry, I misunderstood.

On the Relay Outputs on the Digital Sidecar, the Forward and the Reverse are actually separate pins. Thus, the forward and reverse pins could be wired to separate Spike Relays, effectively doubling the number of independently controlled Spike Relays.
(I suppose they’re not quite independent, seeing as only one can be on at a time)

I suppose you could. I have an IFI doc called IFI-spike-blue-guide that outlines the output states for individual inputs. It should still be available on the IFI website.