[Split Thread] 2025 Event Speculation

Has anyone heard anything about Miami Valley? It’s the only event within 6ish hours of Nashville that I don’t see listed yet.

I’ve heard rumours of Week 5, but don’t quote me on that.


We were at the Beijing Offseason.

Sounds like China is gearing up towards a potential regional in 2025, but are still looking for sponsors.


In case someone wants a nice, organized view. https://frc-events.firstinspires.org


Read the rumor that Midwest will be week 5 during UIC Spring break.

Waiting for the dates for Wisconsin, Seven Rivers and the 3rd Regional in Wisconsin to be confirmed.

Im sure theres reasons for the delay. Its just hard to see all the confirmations and none for the 4 they might go to. 3 of them from the same parent organization.

Gotta be some contract negotiations still going on with WI events. This is somewhat inconvenient.


GKC will be at a new venue this year. Show Ready says the new venue meets the requirements, so now to wait for approval from FIRST.


Why the change from LSN? Just to move it around or conflicting dates? Or maybe school construction? It seems it would be week 5, is that a good guess?

The LSN activities director wouldn’t let us use the fieldhouse. From what I’ve heard, it will be week 5.

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LSN Spring Break is Week 7 and that was a factor for the look for another location.


WI event info will be released very soon.


WI events are week 4, 5, and 6. 7RR week 4 at the Lacrosse Center, Phantom Lakes (new 2.5 pilot) week 5 at Mukwonago HS, and Wisconsin Regional week 6 at the State Fair Expo Center.


Phantom Lakes is such a cool regional name lol


Well, it is the closest lake to the regional location…

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Good short term solution. More work to do long term.

To ensure we are not spreading false information… This is incorrect. The Activities Director did not block the regional from being held at LSN.

Spring break for our school district was scheduled during “Week 7” and we couldn’t make it work to run it on a normal weekend.

We plan to work with the school district this year as they develop the calendar and hope to have GKC back at LSN next year!


Excited to see how weeks 5 and 6 go thats back to back weeks of basically home field for half the teams that might be at both regionals. Adding in 2 brand new locations. Im sure there will be some extra nerves. I doubt my wife will let me spend nearly 80 hours in 2 weeks to check them both out.

A girl can dream :rocket: :new_moon: :sparkles:


Interestingly, Greater Kansas City is listed as a Wed-Sat event even though the blog earlier said it would be a 3-day event (now March 26-29).

It is not uncommon for the dates in FRC events to include the setup day for the event. Basically, how long do you need to rent the space out. Not the specific team schedule.