Split Thread: No Robot Code

We imaged a RoboRIO with 2022 v4.0 and updated wpilib and all vendordeps, but the driver station doesn’t seem to see any code deployed on the RoboRIO (Comms and Joysticks are green but No Robot Code even though the code deploys without any errors). The code had been working with the previous wpilib in 2022 v3. I ssh’d into the RoboRIO and was able to run the ./robot without any issue, so we have no idea why the driver station can’t see it. Also, the .log file seem to have stopped adding robot messages.

Original Post:
We imaged a RoboRIO with 2022 v4.0 and updated wpilib and all vendordeps, but the driver station doesn’t seem to see any code deployed on the RoboRIO (Comms and Joysticks are green but No Robot Code even though the code deploys without any errors). The code had been working with the previous wpilib in 2022 v3. I ssh’d into the RoboRIO and was able to run the ./robot without any issue, so we have no idea why the driver station can’t see it. Also, the .log file seem to have stopped adding robot messages.

@mai17320 Have you deployed code since reimaging? There is a pop up after imaging telling you that you need to redeploy code. Assuming you have, can you deploy a different simple / example program, does that have the same issue?

Thread split from [WPILIB Blog] 2022 Update Release 2 of WPILib

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The timestamp of ./robot was current and added printf statements worked on the ssh’d ./robot run, so we’re sure that it compiled and deployed correctly after the imaging. We haven’t ported any other robots to 2022’s wpilib. We gave up and reimaged the RoboRIO back to 2022 v3 since debugging this issue was taking too much time away from code testing.

Okay just remember that v4.0 is required for competition.

Not sure if this matters, but the robot code being tested was in C++, not Java.

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