Sponsor Logo Scrolling HTML code?

Hi people, I’m the webmaster for our team and was wondering how I could code the HTML for our sponsor’s logos like most teams who have good websites. We want to give more credit to our sponsors and thought it would be pretty cool if we could have their logos scrolling through on our blog.

Does anyone have some generic html coding they could show me to possibly do this on blogger or if it’s even possible to do on blogger?

Thanks in advance.

Could you explain a little what you mean?

I believe you’re thinking of the marquee tag.


The marquee tag is deprecated and not recommended for use. Can you give me an example of what you are looking for? Generally, moving elements on web sites is a bad idea as it distracts your viewer’s eyes very easily.

You could use one of the free GIF animators and use it on a series of stills in which you’ve located the logos in successive horizontal locations. This method would also allow bouncing and bubbly and other semi-erratic motions of the logos. If you had a speed accessory shop as a sponsor, for instance, you could accelerate the motion of their logo by increasing the difference of its location from frame to frame.

Take a look at this. With a little modification, this might be what you’re looking for.

I’m sorry guys I should have explained that a little better.

What I mean by the scrolling code and I’m not sure if it’s scripting or just raw HTML code but I’m trying to make an image fading gallery that shows our sponsors logos? I’ve noticed websites that may use wix or wordpress have these sliding mast heads that show images of sponsors (ironically having a hard time finding and example) logos. It’s just that our team owes a lot to our sponsors and I want to show more appreciation for them on our website.

I’ll post back or edit this post once I find an example.

Do you mean simple a box with the Logo in it, and it flips though the sponsors logos every few seconds? Because if so I can create a small code for that, but it may require some JavaScript.

Sounds like you want a slideshow.

Assuming you have the ability to include custom JavaScript, try using any of the free jQuery slideshow plugins. My personal preference is jShowoff, http://ekallevig.com/jshowoff/

Pm me if you need any help setting it up, I’d be happy to help.

Search for jQuery demo sideshows. Very east to implement.

I believe I found the perfect thing, I have it on one of my old websites when I get home I will get the code and post it up here for you to use.

One thing though, all you sponsors logos needs to be the same size, so if you have 2 logos on at 400 x 400 and one at 500 x 600 don’t stretch it, ad a white or black background, which ever fits the logo more, then center the logo with be background.

I just made a new thread called sponsor box, found here

Following is html code to embed scrolling slideshow to web page, which provided by Kvisoft Flash Slideshow Designer.
PS: You need to first upload output slideshow in HTML format to web server. slideshow size can be modified on this code.

<object classid=“clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000” codebase=“http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=” width=“109” height=“82” ID=“swf” VIEWASTEXT>
<param name=“movie” value=“./files/preloader.swf” />
<param name=“quality” value=“high” />
<param name=“wmode” value=“transparent” />
<param name=“allowScriptAccess” value=“always” />
<param name=“allowFullScreen” value=“true” />
<embed src=“./files/preloader.swf” quality=“high” name=“swf” allowScriptAccess=“always” allowFullScreen=“true” pluginspage=“http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=“109” height=“82”></embed>