Springs on Minibots?

We were wondering if springs were allowed on the minibot for tightening and fastenation? (Of course not for climbing up the tower)

Allowed for anything other than the vertical movement of the minibot. Any horizontal movement is okay. Movement of specific components vertically is questionable. (Q&A?)

I don’t see springs on the allowed parts list in <R92>. Can you shed any more light on why you think they are allowed?

A mentor on my team beleives the restriction is so that minibots cannot use a spring to launch themselves upwards, our use for the spring is solely for tightening around the pole

Springs are not on the allowed list but rubber bands and surgical tubing are allowed.

It’s also quite dependent on your definition of “spring”. Surgical tubing and rubber bands are allowed and can act as “springs”, but as for coiled metal springs, I don’t see them on the allowed materials list.


Additional hardware? This is a Q and A question for the GDC.