Spy bot auton?

Hey CD, I was just looking through the manual again and didn’t find anything about what the spy bot can and cannot do during auton. Does this mean that they can start with a boulder too and shoot that during auton assuming they stay touching the guardrail and castle wall the whole time? Thanks. ::rtm::

IMO: Unless an update comes out, it’s legal.

Sometimes the most important part of the rule book is what isn’t listed.

The only restriction I can see about the SpyBot is that it must be touching the Castle Wall and Guardrail, and in starting config when the match starts. As soon as auton starts the robot no longer has to be confined to the corner.

I concur.

Ummm, Won’t they be shooting into their own tower?

Not a good thing.

The spybot starts in your opponents courtyard. Hence why it is called a spy.