Spy Box Human Player Driver

There is a new rule in the update that refers to the human player in the spy box controlling the robot. This means the human player in the spy box can control the robot? Using a wireless controller?

No, wireless controllers still aren’t permitted by other rules.

Think of it this way - say the robot’s camera picked up the color of something a human player was holding, or used the human player as a reference for aiming. This would constitute the human player “controlling the robot”, as their presence and position influence the actions of the robot. Without this update, this would be illegal. All other rules for controlling the robot (i.e. tethered controllers within the driver station) still apply.

Human players can’t use any electronic devices to communicate, including game controllers.

“During a MATCH, DRIVE TEAMS may not use electronic devices which have the capability of
receiving communications from persons outside of the CASTLE (e.g. cell phones or wearable

“do not include any form of enabled wireless electronic communication (e.g. radios,
walkie-talkies, cell phones, Bluetooth communications, Wi-Fi, etc.)”

From T26-1, with emphasis on the portions applicable to the spy:

As I read it, you’re pretty much limited to non-powered signaling devices (e.g. flags, signs, color cards) for this purpose.

Thank you for all your answers!

So is it ok to bring props into the spy box area (ie: signage or flags)?

In section 3 G9 it says the following “DRIVE TEAMS must be in their CASTLE and behind the STARTING LINE prior to the start of the MATCH, with the exception of one (1) DRIVER or HUMAN PLAYER per ALLIANCE who may elect to start in the SPY BOX”
Does this mean that the robot driver of one team can choose to control the robot from the spy box.

As long as it doesn’t mimic any aspects of the field or intentionally designed to interfere with other vision systems (ie a flag with a retroreflective rectangle roughly the size of the goal), it’s alright. The GDC suggests baguettes or legs of mutton.

Depends on what you mean by control. The operator console must be in the driver station in the castle, however G35 may allow for some “control.”

Would it be legal for the drivers station computer and operator to be in the castle but the actual driver has the controller with him/her in the spy box. We could run an extension from the computer to the spy box.

Agreed. No powered signal devices are allowed in the spy box, including either wired or wireless controllers. If you set up (for example) a Kinect type interface with the camera and control unit in the castle or on the robot, the spy could “drive” a robot using this interface in teleop (not auto).