So basically the last 24 hours that has occurred in Southern Ontario… AWESOME! Thanks… well at least the rain boots I brought to Maine and never used will be useful in St. Louis!
Since this is located in Tornado Alley… is the Edward Jones Dome considered a storm shelter? We experienced some major Tornado warnings and watches in Knoxville, TN when we attended last year and many parents were concerned as CNN tends to exaggerate the weather. I mean it was bad (nothing what we are use too) but the regional was located in a Storm Shelter. Just would like to know this sort of information to put the Parents minds at ease (and possibly my own) if they should ask!
“St. Louis occasionally experiences extreme weather conditions. In the event of a bad storm or tornado, the America’s Center and Edward Jones Dome management team have and emergency plan in place. Please follow instructions on site.”
Last year during the final matches we were advised of bad weather in the area and were asked to remain in our seats I recall.