St. Louis Regional Webcast

We have a webcast running from the St. Louis Regional. Unfortunately we don’t have much bandwidth from here so we are running at a low resolution, but hopefully it’s better than nothing.


I am having trouble getting the link to work, is there another link you could post ?

There’s only one link. What kind of trouble are you having? It looks like other are getting in fine. You need RealPlayer installed, do you have that?

i just put that url in my real player and it also doesn’t work for me.

VLC will not play it on a mac or pc, but i was able to get it to play in Real player.

RealPlayer is working for me. I’ve had to close it a few times and restart due to freezing, but after doing that, it’s gone pretty smoothly.

Thanks for this, Dave. I was getting antsy because this is the first time I haven’t been with my team for their regional. Problem solved (although I still have a slight impulse to call every hour and get an update :stuck_out_tongue: )

It’s meant to be opened in a web browser. If Real is installed correctly it should launch automatically.

I had to use this link to make it work.


Hoping you read this…I am getting the audio on the stream pretty low, about 10 dB I
am guessing.

its very very jumpy like maybe 2-3fps… dunno if its because of overload on the system or just my connection through many firewalls/routers at work /shrug…

still good to see though!!!

thank you 111!!!

Hmm… It was looking OK earlier but now I see after lunch that it’s really low. I cranked it up a bit.

its very very jumpy like maybe 2-3fps… dunno if its because of overload on the system or just my connection through many firewalls/routers at work /shrug…

As mentioned in the first post in this thread, we have very little bandwidth out of the arena. This is the best we can do - sorry.

Hey guys, I just got back from class and the links not working for me. It worked earlier in the day. Anyone got any bright Ideas? Thanks!

Here we go, never mind and our bots out there, Perfect timeing!

It was down for a few minutes due to some problems. I fixed it now so it’s getting a direct audio feed and I bumped up the resolution a bit. Try it now and let me know if it’s better.


As I said in my last post it works now! And yes the resolution and sound is much better than earlier! Thanks for bumping it up for those of us that are stuck at home for college classes and going nuts because we can’t be there!! :smiley:

The actual quality of the picture is very good–better than VCU or NJ for me, but the video is very very jumpy.

haha, if i leave it alone i get a black picture, but if i select it and constanly move it around the screen i get the picture. :stuck_out_tongue:

Best picture for me too. Bigger than VCU and NJ is not up. It’s also jumpy for me, but really its just giving me what it see every second and moves on.

Yes, now that I am home the audio seems OK. It sounds like you might only getting one side of a stgereo feed since we can hear the main announcer well but not the school/sponsor announcer.

Is this supposed to be the regional webcast? All I am seeing is a DVD menu or the FIRST Logo. Or is there an error in the webcast?