St. Louis Regional

Will be held March 9-12 at the Chaifetz Arena this year.

Team 1094 is looking forward to seeing everyone there, who else will be there?

Team 3792 the Army Ants for Columbia MO are happy to announce are return to the St. Louis Regional. We are looking forward to another great event and playing with all the awesome teams there.

4329 is looking forward to playing at our home regional first prior to traveling to Chicago for the Midwest regional.

We will be bringing Trogdor the Burninator -

Robot info:

  • 6 Wheel, single speed 4 CIM drive train using 8" pneumatic tires @ 10 ft/s
  • Flywheel shooter for high goal shots
  • Great ball acquisition intake and low goal capable.
  • Can damage all category A, B, D & low bar defenses individually. Solo breach capable.
  • Pneumatically actuated feet for batter parking
  • Defensive blocker / hanging module in-work.

Team 5484 from South Bend, Indiana will be there! Cannot wait

3397 the Robolions will be competing in St. Louis week 2 and in Huntsville week 4!

Team 1208 will be there! For those unfamiliar with St. Louis, Team 1208 has prepared an Unofficial Guide to the St. Louis Regional.

Unofficial Guide to St. louis.pdf (3.75 MB)

Unofficial Guide to St. louis.pdf (3.75 MB)

Team 4187, the RoboRams, is excited and ready to compete in the St. Louis Regional at the Chaifetz Arena! Can’t wait to see you and the others there!

Team 1706 will be at the St. Louis regional. Will be glad to see you all there

Team 1658 will be looking forward to another good showing by the teams of the saint louis regional.

Our bot:

Any webcast link?

There should be one like there is at pretty much every regional. Probably will start on Thursday so you can watch practice matches, but some do start on Friday and skip Thursday all together. Don’t know who is providing it this year for St. Louis. For most regionals it a team that is attending the event.

There will definitely be a webcast, link TBD but it will be posted here once it’s up and running. We’re going to use a similar setup that was tested a GRC in the Fall. There will be a static single camera field shot for the home viewers so they can see the entire field at once. No zooming in and focusing on one robot for the entire match for you guys!

We’re also going to record this view in HD for posting to Youtube / The Blue Alliance after the regional.

Team 1706 will be there! Can’t wait to see all the teams!

Team 5492 is excited to attend this year! This is only our second year, but we’re excited to come back to St. Louis to compete again!

Schedule is attached, in case you all don’t already have it.

2016 St Louis Public Agenda FINAL.pdf (260 KB)

2016 St Louis Public Agenda FINAL.pdf (260 KB)

Team 5479 will be returning this year. Can’t wait!

Can we set up the pit tonight, or load-in only?

We can set up pit during load-in tonight, just not unbag your robot.

Pit setup will be allowed on Wednesday.

Webcast is live here: Let us know how it looks and sounds at home!