ok quick question?
what is the coolest character,ship,weopon,driod,moment in The Star Wars Series?
I was always interested in the bounty hunters of Star Wars. Boba Fett was always this mysterious badass, with the stylistic armor, who had to be told specifically by Darth Vader “no disintigrations,” when he was contracted to find Han Solo, Princess Leia, and the rest of the gang, to which he begrudgingly acquisced. Who could forget the sound of him saying “As you wish…” You could just tell he was disappointed.
There’s a short sequence on the bridge of the Executor (Vader’s personal Super Star Destroyer, I believe) which showed various other bounty hunters of Star Wars, including one IG-88, an assassin droid turned bounty hunter. Seriously, what’s cooler than a bounty hunter droid?
Well, if anyone’s interested in those kinds of characters, you might want to check out Star Wars, Tales of the Bounty Hunters, which is a collection of short stories, including what happens to Fett inside the Sallac pit.
I should really reread some of those books…
coolest character: Chewbacca
Coolest weapon: R2D2’s little electric prod he zaps those teddy-bears with.
Coolest Droid: R2D2
Moment: When Anakin dies. It wasn’t my favorite until I saw eps 1+2.
Coolerst Character : Movies: Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight and friend to captain Solo
Extended Universe: Wedge Antillies Commander Rogue Squadron and Wraith Squadron
Coolest Weapon: Movies : Boba Fetts Mandaliorian Armor
Extened Universe: Darksaber
Cooliest Droid: Movies: Gotta go with Jim and say IG-88
Exteneded Universe : Whistler
Moment : Movies : Destruction of the Second Death Star
Extended Universe : Destruction of the 3rd Death Star
when i modified the bosh gearboxes the kids in school said it liiked like somthing that would pop out of R2-D2
weapon:double sided lightsaber
ship:tie between the outrider and sun crusher
droid:C3P9 (looks exactly like c3p0 except its an assasian droid!)
character:its all about yoda! ive loved yoda since i was a wee little kid watching eps 5 when i was a kido
moment:when vader reveals himself as lukes daddy!
Personally, I like the X-Wing novel Series, the Wraith Squadron books specifically. I just like the way the Wraiths operate, plus they go undercover as Pirates, which is just awesome. Aaron Allston did a good job with the Wraiths. As for favorite ship mine would be the Tie Defender & the YT-2400. If anyone wants to talk Star Wars, talk to me
ok, he best thing ever is the Fighter games
rogue squadron, RS2 RS3, Jedi starfighter Etc…
they Are the best
Also, Knights Of The Old Republic is an awesome Game Im very addicted to it now
“Let the wookie win.” - C3PO
*Originally posted by Matt Hallock *
**“Let the wookie win.” - C3PO **
That was just a suggestion, though…
wonders how he’s typing this out when his arms have just been ripped out of their sockets
One of the best Stars Wars quotes, in my opinion:
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this…”
on www.starwars.com they have some little animated miniseries, it might be worth checking out
favorite character Jar Jar Binks
Favorite weapon Yoda’s mini lightsaber
Not a huge star Wars fan compared to some, but when Yoda whent all crazy Jacki-Chan, it roxored my soxores
Although I’ve been informed that I am “unamerician” because i’ve never seen any movie with the word “Star” anywhere in it (including Starwars and StarTrek) I still think that Jar Jar Binks is the cutest and best character there. I also like the princess because I think every girl, somewhere inside themselves, wants to be treated like a princess.
Favorite Droid:Gonk, you know, the box that has those two legs and makes that weird “gonk” noise. Its just a useful thing, a fusion powerplant with legs
Favorite ship:World-Eaters, self-replicating machines, possiblythe most dangerous long term threat, but they all got smashed…
Favorite Weapon: Blasters…I know, sounds stupid but they are so far ahead of us, its not funny, the whole basic starwars weapon system. And, its missnamed, Turbolasers? no, no lasers anywhere. the whole thing is governed on plasma generation and delivery, thats why you can see them travel across the screen, as opposed to the luminal speeds of lazers, this also explains why they all dont go blind from the radiation emited from a laser of that strength.
Favorite Concept: Vibro-Knifes…come on, the whole concept is cool, make something ocilate incredable fast in such a small area of movement, probably the first space age technology we will see, except, if its vibrating really fast, wont you get a gyroscope effect? Trying to swing it would wrench your shoulder out.
I think about this stuff to much
Actually, you’re kinda wrong about the laser issue. Sure the hand-held weapons are Blaster Pistols, rifles, etc. But Capital Ships (Star Destroyers, World Devestators (:P), etc), use more powerful wepons called Turbolasers. The laser you are thinking of is in modern technology. In Star Wars they use much different devices in their weapons, so yes, they are in fact Turbolasers. Not trying to get on anyones case, just being informative.
While I’m at it…does anyone play X-wing Vs Tie Fighter? Its an older game, but its an awesome game, real fun.
First of all, the cant be true lasers. You can see them fly across the screen. Real lasers dont do that, they trave at luminal speeds, so fast it seems instantanious. This means that no one, force or not could possible have the reflex to block them.
Second of all. Lasers capable of doing that much damage to anything that quickly would burn out your retina from radiation refracted from the air itself. This would render anyone without the proper eye protection blind, makes for a very uninteresting story.
Thirdly. Blasters and Turbolasers act on the same principal. Turbolasers much bigger systems ie. a 9mm as compared to a battleship cannon capable of sending a station wagon well over the horizon.
In support of my theory:
Plasma does not pose any optical risk(I know, i worked with plasma reaction tubes over the summer, theyre really cool looking). It dosent travel at luminal speeds, its more like it goes as fast as vou throw it. This explains why you have to lead your target, if you had a laser, it just hits what its pointing at, no lag time.
Also, the plasma would actually do what the blasters are doing in the movie. they would burn through things instantly(if you got shot in the shoulder though, it would burn off most of you). Plasma creation would also explain why there are no fireing ports on the X-Wings Cannons(you can collapse the electrons with an AM radio pulse).
And that stun thing. Could just be a high voltage pulse caried along an ionized trail of a laser beam, a real high tech tazer
also, dont read to much into this, im just trying to explain something unexplainable, its sort of fun…
And Tie Fighter was the best DOS game ever
*Originally posted by Victim of Fate *
I don’t think you understand the concept of… fiction.