Which way do you turn at the start of autonomous mode to score points?
You need to be facing away from your alliance station. If you are behind your robot and next to the field barrier and facing the other side of the field, you will be scoring in the goals on your right. If you are red, you will score at the blue player station.
A little more tersely: Your robot will turn to its right to score points for your alliance. [04 - The Game <G10>]
Well depending on how you face your robot, it can turn any way.
wait, so we can’t have our robot facing the goals at the start of the match? We have to be facing away from them?
Your robot can face any way you want it to as long as the robot is within the starting box. I don’t have the dimensions for it but you can angle your robot some, I’m not sure how much you will be able to because that depends on the size of the box. I do know that it is larger than the size of your bot so you won’t have too much to worry about. If the box just happens to be 48x48 than your robot can be angled in any way you want it too. If your robot is facing twords the middle of the field then your goals will be to your right.
The starting areas are 5’ x 5’. Your robot will fit in this at any angle.
<edit>Eric corrected in the below post, my apologies I misunderstood the rule. For clarification here it is:
Sorry again, my mistake.
Matt, maybe you should check the rules again. You can use placement/alignment devices all you want without the ref turning the bot, as long as said devices stay on the robot the entire match. If you use one that is not on the bot, then the head ref will reposition the robot. If you are aiming straight at the goal and your alignment devices are on the robot (or just the robot), the refs can’t do anything about it, even if they don’t like it.
I stand corrected. I was assuming that the robot would be facing the middle of the field (and assuming that that was Bob’s assumption too. )