Starting position

Trying to decipher the game rules for starting position. This is our take:

The bot starts facing your scoring pegs, with the rear bumper outside the line between your opponent’s poles. IOW, your photo sensor is set up over a tracking line at the start of a match.

The ubertube is already in place on the bot before the match begins.

Initial bot placement is randomly determined by some method, so you won’t know whether or not you’ll have to deal with the split tracking line until the time of the match.

Are we close?

Read it again:

<G04> Each ROBOT must be positioned on the FIELD so that the BUMPER closest to it‟s ALLIANCE‟S PLAYER STATION breaks the plane formed by the POSTS of the opposing ALLIANCE‟S TOWERS.
(emphasis mine)

However, from the picture and description in section 2.2.2, the gray tape tracking lines extend farther out than the towers. So it appears you can start with your sensors above the line.

does the hostbot start with an Übertube?

Yes. All robots start with one in contact with the robot.

Okay, It says that the front bumper has to break the plane of the tower, does that mean the back bumper can’t break the plane?

Since the plane defined by the TOWERS is only 1.74" wide, it would be pretty hard to have both front and back BUMPERS breaking that plane. So no, only the front BUMPER can break the plane, not the back. This puts all ROBOTS an equal distance from the GRIDS.

Well, the towers are defined as “an assembly composed of base, post, and tower.” And I believe the base is 30" in diameter. So if you have a wide bot, you could conceivably place both bumpers in the plane.

Did you read the rule? (I quoted it for you above.) You have to be lined up in the plane of the POSTS, not the BASE. That’s only 1.74" of wiggle room.

It would be very easy to do that if you turned the ROBOT sideways. But as long as we’re actually reading the rule :smiley: we should note that it doesn’t speak of “front” or “back” BUMPERS. You emphasized the relevant word: closest.

To address the OP. Your alliance will determine what bot starts where. The FMS only chooses your player stations.

I am wondering if you need to start on the lines, or if the horizontal positioning of the robots is up to the teams.

That also is up to the alliance.