Just to clear stuff up, attached is a statement from my PR firm. I’ll take no further questions.
“David Powers responded to critics on Thursday who have accused him of trying to take a shortcut to an FRC championship by ditching 1678 and joining 6328.
“Nothing in this competition is easy,” Dave said at his introductory news conference after signing a two year, $54 million deal with his new team. “There’s no shortcut. This is
the hardest road because I know everybody here. I’ve lived in this community. This is not the easiest situation because I’m in my comfort zone."
Powers said he based much of his decision on how he felt he’d get along with 6328’s starters, including Keith Crowe, Cameron Earle, Brett Bonner, Sam Sands and Keith White.
"Who I did call that night on my way home was Max Westwater ‘hey man what do we have to do to get you, because I know took less money,’ " Powers said. “When I signed my first $82 million contract, I took less than what I could have gotten so that we could pay Max the max the following year. Like I was already looking ahead, like ‘hey we could possibly get Max Westwater.’, you know?””
Reportedly “washed up” head coach of 1339 Joel Noble was unable to secure “Powerman” David Powers due to his intransigence on his own $50 million contract, due to expire in 2027. “The Angelbotics organization does not have sufficient cap to pay both our head coach and a star like Powerman this season”, said an unnamed source within the org. Another source claimed that Mr. Powers feels sick at high altitudes, and wanted to avoid a move to Denver.
A guy who I will stay in contact with, no matter what, who I’ll talk to no matter what, who I’ll look to for guidance in certain situations no matter what, who I can always get a solid opinion from, for the rest of my life.
Dave’s made a big impact on me, because I’ve watched him go from winless, tweener, ‘What role does he hold?’ to multiple regional and division winner. And he’s done it with intellect, versatility and bravado. Without that bravado, Dave isn’t Dave. So who am I to tell somebody, ‘Hey, don’t leave! Stay in CA!’ When maybe leaving is what might help you become great.
So you and Lead Mentor Corsetto got caught up on Saturday about drive practice?
If I can’t drive practice, I can’t drive practice. If I’m sick, I’m sick. Simple as that. It’s not about that at all. But it’s easy to talk about and sum it up when you just talk about drive practice; we’re sitting here, and I’m supposed to be the powerhouse mentor, and we’re in here talking about drive practice. I mean, listen, we’re talking about drive practice. Not a match! Not a match! Not a match! We’re talking about drive practice. Not a match; not the match that go out there and die for and play every match like it’s my last, not the match, we’re talking about drive practice, man. I mean, how silly is that? We’re talking about drive practice. I know I’m supposed to be there, know I’m supposed to lead by example, I know that. And I’m not shoving it aside like it don’t mean anything. know it’s important. I do. honestly do. But we’re talking about drive practice, man. What are we talking about? Drive Practice? \We’re talking about drive practice, man! We’re talking about drive practice! We’re talking about drive practice… We ain’t talking about the match! We’re talking about drive practice, man! When you come to the regional, and you see me strategizing. You see me strategizing, don’t you?