With the support of the Student Association for STEM Advocacy (SASA) we bring you the 7th annual States of New England Advocacy Conference (SNEAC) and YOU ARE ALL INVITED TO ATTEND!
What is STEM Advocacy and why is it important?
- Many states across the country are now providing State Aid, Workforce Development or Afterschool Programs funding for FIRST Robotics Teams.
- The only way to get this funding is through legislation - which is only developed and passed by Elected Officials that know your program exists and realize its impact.
- STEM Advocacy at the State level requires a concentrated, collaborative effort between members of many teams, organizations, and programs that compete in Robotics platforms that need unified voices and common goals.
- Banding together for a shared purpose - to make Competitive Robotics available to everyone - creates a larger impact and awareness.
Why should you attend SNEAC?
- Lawmakers in your State should hear your story - should know how competitive Robotics and education have impacted, inspired, and shaped you.
- Teams have the right to ask for funding from their State - the more voices that band together, the louder we are.
- Students will learn how to effectively engage with their elected officials, be instructed on how to create meaningful communications, and learn about legislation that has passed in other states.
- This is also a great real-world application of the information that Students learn in Social Studies
- Students AND Adults are welcome and encouraged to attend.
When is the SNEAC and how do I register?
- When: Saturday, December 2, 2023, 10:00am - Noon EST
- Where: Virtually - please complete the registration for EACH participant and in person at University Day
- Direct Registration Link via Google Forms
- More Information: https://sneac.info/ > Click on your specific state at the top
What should I do between now and SNEAC?
- STEP ONE: Learn the ropes - watch the Advocacy 101 and Effective Meetings presentations that SASA has put together for Teams. You’ll learn a lot about how advocacy works… and more are on the way!
- STEP TWO: Register for the SNEAC
- STEP THREE: Set up meetings with your Legislators - we will tell you when to do this.
- Research your Elected Officials
- Learn who they are and what their terms are for the Senate and House of Representatives
- Research the educational bills and other legislation that they have written, sponsored, and voted on.
- STEP FOUR: Develop & Distribute Materials
- Work with other Teams in your area to develop some common materials that help your Elected Officials learn about FIRST Robotics educational impact, and competition.
- Send the materials to other Teams in your area to share!
If you have any questions about the States of New England Advocacy Conference, please feel free to reach out. Pass this information along to everyone that you know - the more voices we can band together, the more impact we can have!
Hope to see you all (virtually) on December 2nd.