I’ve read a couple of post about so of you trying to use a steering wheel and throttle. But I’ve not found any posts about anyone with success stories.
Anyone use a steering wheel and throttle in the past on their robot controls?
How do you like it? Seems like it might be something worth a try.
Did you have luck with any type of a steering wheel?
We used a steering wheel in 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003. It works great. The only thing you need to watch out for is the travel of the steering wheel is not such that you get 0 to 255. You have to “boost” the actual readings to get the full input.
We set it up like a one joystick control. IFI has a whitepaper on the subject (one joystick control). The throttle is the y-axis and the steering wheel is the x-axis.
we used a steering wheel in 2003, we had front wheel drive, i wasnt a driver but from what the drivers that year told me some liked it and some didnt, i guess its just ur taste, although we did get into the semifnials at the ucf regional that year so we had success with it