STIMS Question

I am the team leader for AZTECHS 157 and I have a few students who are having issue with signing up with STIMS. They are getting a error message of (Can’t Complete Form without complete Youth User Profile, School and Team Application). The students says they have filled everything out on their end and the parents can not complete the registration. I have never run into this problem and hoping someone has and what the solution was.

Have them double-check which leagues and games they played; I recall something similar to this with Perry (my son). I don’t recall the details, but it looked reasonable to people, but STIMS didn’t like it.

STIMS has improved from last year, but it still has issues.
We’ve found that sometimes the confirmation email sent to parents gets eaten by their email provider’s spam filter. Have the parent look through the spam folder for the FIRST verification email.
If that doesn’t work, we’ve found frcteams(at)firstinspires(dot)org to be helpful in completing student signups.

And may I commend you on working on the roster before build season begins. Teams that bring a roster to their local kickoff site will have a smoother ride through check-in at regional/district events this year.

I believe we also got a similar error when a someone entered their email as their parent’s email. The form didn’t like that. I don’t exactly know how he fixed it, but he’s signed up now so I know its possible.

Sometimes it works best to give FIRST a phone call and ask to speak to someone who manages STIMS. I had some weird problem several years ago and it got fixed in just a few minutes with us looking at it on screen at both ends of the conversation.

I think I saw something similar when I signed up, and I had to go into my user profile and add the 2016 season. If it’s mostly returning members, I would check if that’s the problem.

If the parent still can’t find the confirmation email after looking through their junk/spam folders, clicking “I forgot my password” on the STIMS site and entering the parent’s email will effectively resend the confirmation. This works since the only criteria for your account to be active in STIMS is to have a password set for your account, which can be achieved by resetting your non-existent password to something else.

If that still doesn’t work, try checking on the student side that every required field is entered, and that the parent’s email was typed correctly.

Didn’t want to start a new thread but I just ran into this on the FIRST website:

Looks like they plan to replace STIMS/TIMS with this system. It already displays some details.

I saw this too. You can sign in with your TIMS/STIMS username and password. I don’t think it will be ready by the end of this build season (definitely not the beginning), maybe next year.

It probably won’t be ready for quite a while, but it looks pretty neat. The back-end is probably linked to the same databases as the current system, so a UI transition should be seamless.

  • ‘should be’ is definitely the key word, who knows what could go wrong.

“This will be so easy. Nothing could possibly go wrong.” -famous last words