STL Area Team Collaboration

My team’s goal for this year is to go from being a team that only is active during Build and Competition season and expand to a year round team and a part of our community.

An action that I believe would help us achieve this would be to work with other teams. What I am proposing is a day for all of the interested St. Louis teams to come down to our meeting space and get together and present or simply learn new techniques for their team to use. An example of something 1288 could share is our mechanum drive or our new use of carbon fiber. I am thinking that this would occur in late June however nothing is set in stone

So before I go to the trouble of putting together an event that no one is interested in i would just like to know how many teams would attend an event like this.

If interested in the comments please put your team # and a topic your team could present on. (However if you are just interested in coming to listen to other teams just put your team #)

Something sort of like this happened at Gateway (931) last year. It was a fun and good experience for all, with many people learning many thing. (Your team was there showing off mecanums I think.)

I would be down for it. We could invite rookies (that also happened at gateway last year). 3397 could show off something, we did pneumatics at gateway last year, and could do that again. I could also do a thing on Autodesk inventor CAD, as I am responsibly good with not. Not an expert, but I could teach some things that are useful in the season.

I will PM you my email.

already mentioned, but 931 did something similar to this last fall. I am not sure if they are planning on doing it again, but the more workshops the merrier I suppose. 1706 would be more than happy to present computer vision (not labview based, however), and we’re about to outsource our code, including our game piece and robot tracking.

Yes 1288 did attend the event at gateway however unlike that event where it was organized like a craft show at this event each team would have a presentation followed by some Q&A then we would move on to another presenter and then repeat this process until everyone had presented (Kind of like grade school show-and-tell)